Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Follow My Overseas Blog...

I have created a new blog to document my time overseas!
Thanks for reading & following.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

India - A Month Today!

It's hard to get my head around that Selection, Fundraising and Training have all come and gone and that in a months time I'll be sat on a plane on my way to Dubai to change for Hyderabad and then onto a sleeper train to Ongole! Still to some, that sounds crazy, but I think I've just about got my head round it!

More importantly, I cant wait to start teaching and preparing lessons and resources to take overseas with me. After training back on Coll it feels like everything is slotting into place and I don't think I could feel more prepared mentally for whats to come. Physically, on the other hand I still have an awful lot of packing to start!

So to end this blog here, before I start a new one to document my time overseas, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported me in fundraising efforts, cake sales and just general good luck wishes but more importantly to everyone who has been there surrounding me with positivity to take this step and volunteer with Project Trust overseas for a long period of time.

Although I have reached my personal fundraising target any other donations that people would like to make would still be of great benefit to Project Trust and these donations can be made on my virgin money giving page.

Once again thankyou, and I hope you look forward to reading my new blog about what we're up to & how we're getting on at Andhra High School in Ongole, India!

India P8 Country Group - Miriam & Izzy off to Bangalore - Desk Officer Tom - Me & Jade off to Ongole

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Support of the English Speaking Union

I am over the moon that the English Speaking Union Exeter Branch have supported my volunteering and given an educational award of £400 towards my fundraising for teaching in India. I look forward to sharing my stories, photographs and memories with them whilst I'm away and look forward to meeting the members once I return home.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Seaton Town Hall Carnival Bank Holiday Weekend!

On Saturday 23rd August both my Granny Emmie and Granny Betty and Ted had a stall at the table top sale at Seaton Town Hall. As it was the carnival weekend the hall was rather busy and although I was working, I was kept up to date and heard that they had a good morning and good fun selling items on the stalls; and not only selling but also receiving kind donations and spreading the word about my fundraising and Project Trust.

From the sale and the hard work from my Grans and Grandad they raised another £130 towards our fundraising total. I cannot thank them enough for their persistent hard work and dedication towards our fundraising and also to those who donate things to sell.

Granny Emmie at her stall! Selling homemade flapjacks along with other goods! :)

My Granny Betty and Ted at their stall! Stall number 1! :)

Curry Night Sixth Form Party

I was unsure whether to make this post a gallery or a write up of the evening, but I think the photos tell more of a story than a few sentences.

However there is one thing I would like to say, and that is simply - THANKYOU!
£345 was donated.

My Mummy and I!
I was overwhelmed by the donations so generously given by all, and especially from those who donated four times the amount! I hope everyone had a fab evening and were happy with results!

Lastly... thank you for not trashing the house and being extremely respectful of the place (even if a couple of bulbs went out, (not mentioning any names!..). I don't think it could have gone any smoother!

Serving Curry!
Davo and Jack fancy dress!!

Annabelle and the girls on the door, and eating curry in the kitchen!

Decorated the dining room and lounge, and little nibbles on the go.

More curry, and George (brother).
Girlies in the doorway (Rosie, Sophie, Beth) and out on the decking around the fire.

Jack and David... and Rosie and I in the Hallway!
Thank you :)

Mahavir Trust Support

I am also very thankful and appreciative of the £75 donation from the Mahavir Trust.

Lions Club Support!

I am really grateful and incredibly lucky to have received the support of the Seaton Lions Club. After writing to the Seaton Lions Club and receiving a reply I was invited to give a talk about Project Trust and the things I would be doing in India as part of the Project.

After meeting the members I was given a £500 donation cheque towards helping me reach my fundraising goal. The link for the article and to read about the other brilliant things the Lions Club do to support the community can be found below.

